Written by On Friday, 20th June 2014

Nathanael: a true Israelite. That’s what Yeshua had called him, a man without an ounce of deception. These were the first words that he had heard from this man that had come to mean so much to him. He still remembered that hot afternoon just as if it was yesterday, his friend Philip had come running looking for him claiming to have found the Messiah. At first he didn’t believe him, he thought it was one of those tricks they had played on each other before. But when he met the Rabbi that afternoon, he knew He was different. He had known then that Yeshua was the Son of God or the son of a god at the very least; and he had believed him and not just because Yeshua had seen him in a vision sitting under the tree where he had been shading from the scorching sun. He looked into Yeshua’s eyes that afternoon and he knew, he just knew. He had never been able to explain it beyond that.

Did not our hearts burn?

Written by On Wednesday, 21st May 2014

Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us on the road, while he opened to us the scriptures? Luke 24:32

Spoken by one of the two disciples on the way to Emmaus, the two had had an encounter with Jesus himself right after the resurrection. Jesus walked with them on the road and showed them how everything written in the Laws of Moses, the prophets and the psalms were about him. This must have been an exposition message and a half; to be able to understand how Jesus’ birth, life, death and resurrection were a fulfillment of the Old Testament teachings. You almost wish that they would have recorded in writing this conversation that caused their hearts to burn.

Noah the movie: Three truths!

Written by On Monday, 12th May 2014

When I saw the trailer I was instantly hooked, I started counting down to the Kenya premier. It wasn’t long before the internet was flooded with  everything that was wrong with it; from its flawed theology to the outright lack of creativity. In fact one blogger simply said.

‘’ Don’t bother watching it, it’s a complete waste of money!’’

Almighty God and His Existence

Written by On Thursday, 1st May 2014


Does God exist? Did God create the world or was it the Big Bang? Did God form Man or did we crawl out of a primordial soup? Is Jesus Christ the son of the God Almighty or was he just some great scholar?

I don’t know. What I do know, is that I was blind, but now I see.

Don't Worry, Be Happy.

Written by On Thursday, 10th April 2014

So a few weeks ago, I went for an interview and put my foot in my mouth from the minute I walked through the door to face the scary panel. For weeks my life had become about that job. If only I would get it and my life would finally begin. It’s like I was holding my breath waiting for that day which I thought was coming. Every prayer I prayed, every plan I made was tied to that one thing; the new job. Then that fateful interview occurred. Let me just say that the fall from cloud nine is not a fun one. For days after that dark day I was depressed. Why did God allow me to get my hopes up and go through all those interviews to that one only for me to make a gigantic fool out of myself? Wouldn’t it have been better if they had never shortlisted me from the beginning? What a waste of time! And what a pointless endeavour!

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